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Custom Map Styling

Want to change the look and feel of the map? Custom styles allow you to change the color scheme of an existing style, change the language of place labels, and more.

Vector Maps

One major benefit to vector map tiles is that you can change the style to suit your liking (even dynamically!). Our vector tiles are compatible with the popular OpenMapTiles schema, and these base layers can be styled to fit a wide range of use cases.

MapLibre styles are the most common method of styling vector tiles. Other renderers such as OpenLayers and Tangram have their own styling tools as well, but we'll only cover GL JSON styles here as they are the most widely used. You can use these styles on the web via MapLibre GL JS, and on mobile via either MapLibre Native or Flutter MapLibre GL.

Modifying an Existing MapLibre Style


You are generally free to modify Stadia Maps Styles for your own applications. For specific details per-style, check out our attribution page.

We recommend using Maputnik, an open-source style editor, to create and edit MapLibre styles. You can get started modifying one of our styles in three easy steps:

  1. Select "Open" from the Maputnik menu bar.
  2. Enter the JSON URL for one of our styles.
  3. Customize it to your liking!

A screenshot of the Maputnik editor's open dialog

Once you're happy with the result, save the modified style using the "Export" button in the top menu. If you'll be accessing our map tiles via API key (ex: in a mobile app), be sure to enter your API key in the export dialog. Maputnik will do the rest!

A screenshot of the Maputnik editor's export dialog

Hosting or Bundling your Custom Style

Once you're happy with the result, you'll need to host the style somewhere: either on the web (your server, CDN, etc.) or bundled with your app. Then, rather than loading one of our styles via URL, load your own!

Now all you have to do is load your custom style (URL or embedded JSON) instead of ours! (If you don't already have a map in your website or app, check out our documentation on maps for web or mobile, desktop & multi-platform apps).

Advanced: Starting from Scratch or Porting from Another Vendor

If you're migrating from another vendor, the first thing you'll need to know is what schema their vector tiles follow. For OpenMapTiles-based sources, many things will "just work" (though even within OMT, there are a lot of variations and custom layers). For less easy cases, you will need to figure out how to map between their schema and the OpenMapTiles schema on your own.

In addition to vector and satellite imagery layers, we also offer global elevation and other datasets. You can find these on our additional data tilesets page, along with documentation and URLs for access.

Here is a minimal skeleton on which to build your own style, pre-filled with the URLs for our OpenMapTiles-compatible source, sprites (you can substitute alidade_smooth for any of our map styles), and glyphs (fonts).


If you are not using domain-based auth (ex: for a mobile app), you will need to add an API key to the OpenMapTiles URL query string:

If you need to always use EU servers for regulatory reasons, change the host to See EU Endpoints for more info.

Skeletal MapLibre Style JSON Starter
  "sources": {
    "openmaptiles": {
      "type": "vector",
      "url": "",
      "attribution": "© Stadia Maps © OpenMapTiles © OpenStreetMap"
  "sprite": "",
  "glyphs": "{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
  "layers": [...]

Advanced: Customizing Sprites

You can generate your own sprite files using Spreet, and host them on your server/CDN. Then, add them to your JSON style (using the sprite key).

Note that (as in the example JSON above) you should not include the suffix or extension in the URL. For example, if your output base name is sprite, you would use in your JSON style. MapLibre will automatically request and respectively (@2x is appended automatically for retina/HiDPI displays).

Advanced: Customizing Fonts

In our own themes, we have rolled up our default font into a "super-font" stack with the fallback order we want. This makes map styles easier to edit.

Stadia font families

  • Stadia Regular
  • Stadia Italic
  • Stadia Bold
  • Stadia Semibold

If you want to change the fallback order or remove specific fonts, you can mix and match from the full list below (collapsed).

Full individual font list
  • Noto Sans Arabic Light
  • Noto Sans Arabic Medium
  • Noto Sans Arabic Regular
  • Noto Sans Armenian Light
  • Noto Sans Armenian Medium
  • Noto Sans Armenian Regular
  • Noto Sans Ethiopic Light
  • Noto Sans Ethiopic Medium
  • Noto Sans Ethiopic Regular
  • Noto Sans Georgian Light
  • Noto Sans Georgian Medium
  • Noto Sans Georgian Regular
  • Noto Sans Hebrew Light
  • Noto Sans Hebrew Medium
  • Noto Sans Hebrew Regular
  • Noto Sans JP Light
  • Noto Sans JP Medium
  • Noto Sans JP Regular
  • Noto Sans Light
  • Noto Sans Medium
  • Noto Sans Regular
  • Noto Sans SC Light
  • Noto Sans SC Medium
  • Noto Sans SC Regular
  • Noto Sans TC Light
  • Noto Sans TC Medium
  • Noto Sans TC Regular
  • Noto Sans Thai Light
  • Noto Sans Thai Medium
  • Noto Sans Thai Regular
  • Open Sans Bold
  • Open Sans Italic
  • Open Sans Regular
  • Open Sans Semibold
  • Roboto Bold
  • Roboto Condensed Italic
  • Roboto Italic
  • Roboto Medium
  • Roboto Regular
  • SeoulNamsan B
  • SeoulNamsan L
  • SeoulNamsan M

As with sprites, if you want to use your own set of fonts, you will need to host these yourself.


Make sure that you are in compliance with any font licensing requirements before deploying maps with additional fonts.

You can use a tool like our own open-source build_pbf_glyphs CLI utility or MapLibre FontMaker to generate the SDF font glyphs. You will then need to update glyphs key in your style JSON accordingly.

The text-font property in a MapLibre Style is a list which specifies fonts in fallback order. This is quite handy, but introduces some complexity. We'll cover both approaches briefly.

Combining Glyphs Upfront

The easiest option is to never specify more than a single font in any font list. Then you can host your font glyphs in a directory of static files (as generated by build_pbf_glyphs). You can still have fallback fonts without any extra complexity server-side by combining glyphs upfront into "super fonts."

For example, you can roll up Latin script bold font and a Japanese bold font into a single "bold" font. Let's call this "MyFont Bold." You just need to specify the fonts and a fallback order (much as you would in the MapLibre style JSON). You can then reference "MyFont Bold" in your style, and host the glyphs for MyFont Bold in a directory of static files. Refer to the build_pbf_glyphs README for usage instructions.

Combining Glyphs Dynamically

If you need to handle fallback fonts dynamically via a list in your style, your server will need to know how to handle Mapbox-style fontstack requests. These combine requests for multiple fonts into a long URL. Your server software then selects the glyphs in the specified fallback order. We have open-sourced the Rust crate, pbf_font_tools, which has this logic. We use this ourselves and as part of build_pbf_glyphs. If you're using Node.js, have a look at glyph-pbf-composite.

Raster Maps

Most customers ask us about custom raster styles because they are using Leaflet. If you want to keep using Leaflet, we have good news! You can use vector tiles in Leaflet with a custom style using the maplibre-gl-leaflet plugin. We put together a tutorial on how to do this in just a few minutes. And this example repository shows Leaflet in action with a custom style.

If you are still sure that you need raster tiles for your custom style, contact us for a quote.

Further Reading

The MapLibre Style Specification is the final authority on MapLibre styling. Even if you primarily use Maputnik for editing styles visually, this is still useful to have as a reference.
