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Your Stadia Maps account is subdivided into one or more properties. It's possible to have only a single property for all your usage, but if you want to manage things per website, app, or even group of domains, we let you do that via properties.

Authentication happens at the property level, giving you visibility into the usage patterns at a more granular level. This also gives you flexibility to manage API keys with a defined scope.

Authentication methods

All Stadia Maps APIs require some form of authentication. We've made the process as painless as possible with three convenient options.

Local development

Are you developing a website or browser based app? As long as you're running via a development web server accessed via localhost or, you don't need an API key!

Local development rate limits

Requests made this way are subject to strict rate limits. If you start receiving HTTP 429 responses regularly, sign up for an account (it's free!) and either create an API key.

Domain-based authentication

Domain-based authentication is the easiest form of authentication for production web apps. No additional application code is required, and you don't need to worry about anyone scraping your API keys. We recommend this for most browser-based applications.

  1. Sign in to the client dashboard.
  2. Click "Manage Properties."
  3. Under "Authentication Configuration," click the button to add your domain.

Getting a 401 Unauthorized response or seeing a Stamen warning tile?

Domain authentication usually "just works" but sometimes it doesn't. These are a few common issues related domain authentication.

  • Referrer-Policy is set to no-referrer. Some platforms, such as Azure Static Web Apps, do this by default. Relaxing this header to something like strict-origin-when-cross-origin (if your site uses HTTPS; origin-when-cross-origin if using HTTP) will let us authenticate your requests while preserving privacy.
  • Are you using a hosting service like Vercel, Netlify, or GitHub pages with a custom domain? In many configurations, the headers will indicate that the request is coming from a subdomain on your host rather than your custom domain. Check the Origin and Referer headers in your browser's web inspector/dev tools to verify.

Image showing the web inspector with network request headers

  • Is your page hosted on a subdomain? It's easy to forgot to include the subdomain or (if appropriate) allow all subdomains. If your site is hosted on, you need to set the subdomain to a and the domain to as shown in the screenshot below:

Image illustrating a correctly filled out nested subdomain form

API keys

Building something that runs outside the browser, like a server-side integration or a desktop app? For use cases like this, you'll need an API key.

Generating and Revoking API keys

You can manage your API keys in the client dashboard.

  1. Sign in to the client dashboard. (If you don't have an account yet, sign up for free; no credit card required!)
  2. Click "Manage Properties."
  3. If you have more than one property (ex: for several websites or apps), make sure you have selected the correct property from the dropdown at the top of the page.
  4. Under "Authentication Configuration," you can generate, view or revoke your API key.

Video: How to generate your API key

Using your API key

You can authenticate your requests by adding an API key to the query string or HTTP header.

The simplest is to add a query string parameter api_key=YOUR-API-KEY to your request URL. For example, to access the /tz/lookup API endpoint, your request URL might look like this.

Example URL with an API key placeholder

You can also use an Authorization HTTP header instead of a query string as shown below. Don't forget the Stadia-Auth prefix!

Example Authorization header with an API key placeholder
Authorization: Stadia-Auth YOUR-API-KEY

Vector stylesheets

If you're accessing vector tiles via API key and you're using one of our styles, add an API key query parameter to the stylesheet URL. We'll rewrite the stylesheet so that data sources requiring authentication use your key. This is the easiest way to get access to vector tiles in a mobile app or intranet website.

If you're using your own style, see the relevant section of our custom style guide.

Protecting your API keys

You should take care not to expose your API key unnecessarily. That's why we recommend domain-based authentication for web browser applications. We recommend only using API keys in cases where it is not likely to be leaked to an end user (ex: server-side and mobile applications).

If you are developing locally and exceed the rate limit for keyless access, be careful not to accidentally commit your API key to your repository.

Securing your API keys

Securing your API keys requires special care whenever an application is available to end users outside your organization. This is always tricky and tends to be a bit different for every app, but we can offer some general best practices:

  1. Avoid shipping API keys in an app binary when possible. For example, an iOS you can take advantage of on-demand resources to separate this from the IPA download. You could also host a key retrieval mechanism on your own servers, but be careful about access control!
  2. Ensure that any long-term storage of API keys uses the platform's hardware-secured APIs (ex: Keychain or Android Keystore).