Getting started with GEOlayers 3 by adding a Stadia Maps style source¶
Please review our
FAQ for guidelines
when using Stadia Maps in your video projects.
GEOlayers is a plugin that lets you design and animate maps directly in Adobe After Effects.
You can quickly draw buildings to After Effects shape layers, highlight features (borders, streets, lakes, rivers, places, etc.),
animate driving routes, extrude buildings, and more!
All sorts of geospatial data, including other sources from Stadia Maps,
can be integrated as editable assets in After Effects, further extending the power of GEOlayers.
In this tutorial (with screenshots from the original GEOlayers 3 Vimeo guide), we'll
show you how to add the Stamen Toner style to your Mapcomp library.
We assume you are familiar with both Adobe After Effects and GEOlayers 3.
You'll need a Stadia Maps API key to access the tiles in GEOlayers.
Sign in to the client dashboard. (If you don't have an account yet, sign up for free; no credit card required!)
Click "Manage Properties."
If you have more than one property (ex: for several websites or apps), make sure you have selected the correct
property from the dropdown at the top of the page.
Under "Authentication Configuration," you can generate, view or revoke your API key.
In After Effects, with the GEOlayers plugin panel open, select the settings for the Mapcomp that you would like to
update. If you don't have a Mapcomp added to your current project, simply create one.
Next, you need to select the new Mapcomp Imagery option.
Here, we need to enter the raster source with the appropriate URL for the style we would like to use. You can find all
available Stadia Maps styles in our docs. We will utilize the
Stamen Toner style.
It has the following raster tile URL: